Sunday, September 6, 2009

Bones for Life Chairs-San Francisco, California


  1. I spoke with one bicycle club today in SF. I was told no one in his club would be interested in our program and denied that bicyclers sit. Hum...
    well if they don't they certainly assume the position. Is it possible that he doesn't know what he does?

  2. I responded that the bicycle seat is a platform from where a rider either launches or hovers his seat.

  3. The wonderful thing about this work is that it can be developed into an art. Filming a process on the blog is always spontaneous. There is much about this process that I would like to refine. That will take more investment on my part to make sure that I've learned it to my satisfaction. Learning comprises approximations towards exploring just how this stalemate configuration can speak to articulating and loading the spine.
